Alert components are used to signify the state of the system
Avatars are graphical representation of users or user persona
Badge are used on avatars and icons to represent an activity
Buttons are used to invoke functionality
Card can be used in many places
Resonsive Image
Images are the life of any website. You can use these images which are responsive
Inputs are used everuwhere in a website. From navbars to menus. Here are some different styles of input.
Text makes your content meaningful
⭐ Headings
There are different sizes of headings you can use. You can use the h1, h2, h3... depending on your size preference. And then you can put class name as light-heading or dark-heading to get light or dark text as shown in the below code snippets.
Heading 1
Heading 2 but bold
Heading 3
Heading 4 but bold
⭐ Paragraph
Paragraph is used to explain info. You can use different sizes of paragraphs by giving the class name as big-para, medium-para and small-para
Big Pararaph
The size of this paragraph is biggest. The size of this paragraph is biggest. The size of this paragraph is biggest.
Medium Paragraph
The size of this paragraph is medium. The size of this paragraph is medium. The size of this paragraph is medium.
Small Paragraph
The size of this paragraph is small. The size of this paragraph is small. The size of this paragraph is small.
Centered Paragraph
This paragraph is centered. This paragraph is centered. This paragraph is centered.
Lists are helpful in organising your data
Unordered lists
These type of lists are ordered in no particular order
- Element 1
- Element 2
- Element 3
Ordered lists
These type of lists are ordered in a particular order
- Element 1
- Element 2
- Element 3
Grids can be used to segregrate data coherently
2 Item Grid
3 Item Grid
Multiple Item Grid
Toast is used to show notifications which do not require any user action
Modals can be used to convey important infromation to the user
This component library requires you to use tags as specified
Slider is used to show a range of values